E-mail Collection Chinese  
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1.When did you purchase the product of this Co. ?
2.What is the motor model you purchased?:
3.How many pieces you purchased?:
4.What was the price when you purchased it?: :
5.How do you think of the price?: A little bit expensive Proper Cheap
6.Where you purchased it?:
7.How do you think of the service quality of the receptionist: Very good Good General Poor
8.How do you think of the special knowledge of the receptionist: Very good General To be further enhanced
9.Which respects concerning the service provided by the persons of this Co. you (your Co.) think have to be enhanced and improved:
10.With your use of this Co.’ product, what advantages you think exist with it, such as:
11.What are the places with the product which need to be further improved, you (your Co.) think:
12.What kinds (key) products should be developed and produced::
13.Which respects of this Co. you think have to be further improved and enhanced:
15.Will you go on purchasing the product of this Co:
  Yes No

Very appreciate your valuable comments, we will do our best to use any of them for improvement.